Conference 2019: "Contemporary Approaches to Legal Linguistics"



You can download the conference schedule here.

Keynote Speakers

Christian Piska

Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, University of Vienna

Presentation title: AI and the Robot Lawyer – TechReg and Smart Regulation

Claudia Kropf

Language officer of the European Commission Representation in Austria

Presentation title: Die Rolle der Übersetzung im EU-Rechtsetzungsprozess

Alfred Stratil

Director General, Legislative drafter (ret.), Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology, Vienna

Presentation title: Implementing EU-Directives into national law – legal and linguistic challenges

Peter Eschig

T-Lex Legal Translation Services

Presentation title: Lost for words – Vertragsinterpretation nach Civil Law vs Common Law

Martin Reisigl

Department of Linguistics, University of Vienna

Presentation title: Examples and principles of linguistic expert opinions – a personal perspective

Martin Dunkl

Dunkl Corporate Identity

Presentation title: Recht verständlich – Klartext für Juristinnen und Juristen