About us

Who are we?


The AALL is a non-profit scientific organisation striving for excellence in the investigation of language use in legal contexts. The association consists primarily of scholars from legal linguistics and the legal domain. Our research focuses on statutory interpretation, linguistic evidence in the juridical process, speaker recognition and identification, and commentaries on legal developments.

If you are interested in joining the AALL, please visit our “Join” page here, or get in touch for more information: info@oegrl.com.

Meet the Executive Board



Daniel Green (né Leisser) – President


Daniel Green holds a BA in English and American studies and an MA in English language and history from the University of Vienna. He obtained his LL.M from the University of Edinburgh and specialises in data protection law, statutory interpretation, legislative drafting, and the role of linguistic indeterminacy in Austrian criminal proceedings.


Paul Schwarzenbacher – Vice-president


Paul Schwarzenbacher studied law both in Vienna and Milan and additionally spent study visits both in Georgetown and Montréal. He has gained work experience in Austria, Italy and Spain and specialized in the area of Internet technologies. His scientific interest lies in sustainability law, children’s rights and legislative drafting.


Vacant – Secretary


This position will be filled soon.



Barbara Justen – Treasurer


Barbara Justen is currently studying law, linguistics and translation studies at the University of Vienna. Her research interests lie in legislative drafting and language teaching.


Advisory board


The advisory board of the Austrian Association for Legal Linguistics consists of experts from the fields of law, linguistics, or legal linguistics who support the AALL through consultancy or public relations work on the basis of their exceptional scientific or practice-oriented qualifications.
Currently, the advisory board of the AALL consists of the following people (in alphabetical order):
  • Mag. Martin Dunkl
  • Mag. Peter Eschig, LLM LLM
    • Download slides: “What lawyers want: praktische Herausforderungen bei der Übersetzungstätigkeit für Juristen” (ILLWS 2018) – click here.
    • Download slides: “Lost for words: Vertragsinterpretations nach Civil Law vs Common Law” (AALL conference 2019) – click here.
  • Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Hannes Kniffka
  • Univ.-Prof. Dr. Claus Luttermann
  • Prof.in Dr.in Karin Luttermann
  • Mag. Dr. Benedikt Lutz
  • Univ.-Prof.in Dr.in Gerlinde Mautner
  • ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Christian Piska
  • Mag.a Dr.in Maria Pober
  • Download slides: “Geschlechterordnungen heute: Von Cis-, Transgender und Intergeschlecht in Sprache und Recht” (ILLWS 2019) – click here.
  • Download abstract: “Geschlechterordnungen heute: Von Cis-, Transgender und Intergeschlecht in Sprache und Recht” (ILLWS 2019) – click here (German version) or here (English version).
  • RA Michael Schmuck

Research group leaders and coordinators



Laura Levstock – Emerging Linguists Coordinator

Laura Levstock is a student of Applied Linguistics at the University of Vienna, where she also works as a tutor. Her research interests include sociolinguistics and discourse studies. She is especially concerned with the (re)production of social inequality through and because of linguistic practices.