Past events - 2019
2nd International Legal Linguistics Workshop (ILLWS19)
7th December 2019 // University of Salzburg
As part of the 45th Austrian Linguistics Conference (ÖLT2019), the 2nd Legal Linguistics Workshop 2019 (ILLWS19), organised by the Austrian Association for Legal Linguistics, took place on the 7th December 2019 at the University of Salzburg.
You can still download the workshop programme here.
Many thanks to our keynote speakers Christian Piska and Maria Pober, and to all of the presenters and participants. We look forward to the next one!
Here you can see some photos from the workshop:

Panel discussion series: Language and Law (Part 6)
25th November 2019 // 19:00 // Hauptbücherei Wien, Urban-Loritz-Platz 2a, 1070 Wien
This event will be in German
Language and Law – Part 6
Sprache, Recht und Religionsfreiheit
With Thomas Prügl (University of Vienna); Christian Piska (University of Vienna, AALL); Niko Alm (Addendum, Laizismus-Initiative); Carla Amina Baghajati (Islamische Glaubensgemeinschaft in Österreich) and Daniel Green (University of Vienna, AALL).
Keynote speech: Natasha Ghulam (University of Vienna)
Moderation: Richard Bonomo (University of Vienna, AALL)
In cooperation with Stadt Wien – Büchereien.

From left to right: Thomas Prügl, Carla Amina Baghajati, Christian Piska, Niko Alm, Richard Bonomo, Daniel Green, Natasha Ghulam
Panel discussion:
One Law – 24 Languages:
Multilingual legislative drafting in the EU
12th June 2019 // 17:00 // Haus der EU, Wipplingerstraße 35, 1010 Vienna
This event was in German
One Law – 24 Languages
Multilingual legislative drafting in the EU
What makes multilingual legislation so difficult? Where exactly are the challenges, and how can they be addressed? Would a Lingua Franca be the better solution?
With Christian Piska (University of Vienna); Mira Kadric-Scheiber (University of Vienna), Alfred Stratil (Ministerialrat i.R. / AALL), Daniel Green (AALL) and Thomas Weber (European Parliament).
Moderation: Irene Böhm (University of Vienna / AALL).
In cooperation with the Haus der EU.

From left to right: Thomas Weber, Christian Piska, Daniel Green, Mira Kadric-Scheiber, Irene Böhm, Claudia Kropf, Alfred Stratil
Panel discussion series: Language and Law (Part 5)
2nd April 2019 // 19:00 // Büchereien Wien, Urban-Loritz-Platz 2a, 1070 Vienna
This event was in German.
Language and Law – Part 5
Sprache, Recht und Geschlecht
With Tinou Ponzer (Verein intergeschlechtlicher Menschen Österreich); Maria Pober (University of Vienna / Österreichische Orient-Gesellschaft) and Daniel Green (AALL).
Moderation: Vanessa Krebs (AALL).
In cooperation with the Büchereien Wien.

From left to right: Maria Pober, Daniel Green, Vanessa Krebs, Tinou Ponzer